
App Stats

App Stats started as an internal tool to keep track of our apps, providing essential insights such as Play Store update notifications and major changes in rankings and ratings. It made it just as easy to track our competitors' metrics as well.

The app remained in public beta, but it did become an unofficial support tool and inspiration for Google staff managers and developers.

My Role

I was a co-founder, responsible for all design including UX development, branding and logo, play store materials, press releases, website, onboarding, and the user guide. I conducted UX research through direct customer feedback and moderated the beta group.



Selected works

Adobe ConsonantGlobal leader in digital media
LookoutLeading provider of data-centric cloud security
First PersonTechnical design and design systems for B2B agency
VectraWorld leaders in AI security
OmnicellPioneers of autonomous pharmacy
EpilogA smarter Pomodoro app
Disney Movies AnywhereFamily entertainment giant
HD Widgets#1 ranked Android app
DayframeSocial media photoframe
App StatsGoogle Play metrics
CloudskipperPopular music player
Starsky RoboticsDesigning a remote-driving system for autonomous vehicles

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