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Introducing Cloudskipper 2.0

March 25, 2014
1 min read
Our classic music player, Cloudskipper 2.0 is now available in the Play Store. The new app is a massive UI overhaul designed for ICS and later devices with high res screens. The new app has the same overall flow and …
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Cloudskipper 2.0b available through new Google+ community

November 1, 2013
1 min read
For everyone who's been asking for a direct download of the in-progress version of Cloudskipper 2.0, we've very happy to announce Cloudskipper 2.0 beta is available in our new Google+ community. The beta requires Android 4.0.3 & later, is pretty buggy, …
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Sneak peak: Cloudskipper 2.0

September 4, 2013
1 min read
While the cats away, the mice will play... and so we did. While part of the team was off at Burningman the rest of us gave Cloudskipper a long-needed refresh. Shown here today is the new Folders view, Album view, …
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Cloudskipper 1.9 released w/ new widgets

March 7, 2012
1 min read
This week Cloudskipper got a decent update: we've added new widget sizes and took care of some stability issues relating to ICS. We're still tied up with HD Widgets and getting the new themes in place. It's not nearly as …
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Cloudskipper gets better album art and a crazy week for HD Widgets

December 23, 2011
2 min read
First off, we're really happy to push out an update for Cloudskipper. This one focused on improving album artwork throughout the app. We're now pulling direct from each mp3 as it's played (as we should). On some devices, the differences …
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Happy dance: 500k Cloudskipper installs =)

October 27, 2011
1 min read
Oh yeah... 500k. Half-million. 500,000 Cloudskipper installs. Wooooot! We're pretty happy today. When we started Cloudskipper this year, we set a goal - can we hit 500k installs by fall? It was a big test and milestone for us, so …
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Cloudskipper 1.6 released: EQ and making room for more…

July 25, 2011
2 min read
We just pushed the next big update for Cloudskipper. What's new? EQ, Bass Boost, Reverb, & Virtualizer for Android 2.3+ placed a search button in empty control bar slot rearranged the audio player layout better layout for small screens rearranged the …
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Cloudskipper 250,000+ downloads : Awkward Zone Defeated!

July 8, 2011
1 min read
We debated if we should post this milestone because Cloudskipper grew so fast and it was pretty much out of our hands... but it turns out 250k downloads is actually a major Android app event! The mobile Android Market has …

Cloudskipper 1.5 released : library editing, big artwork, and no more “glowing pants”…

July 7, 2011
2 min read
Very excited to be releasing a big update today, and a day early at that! Cloudskipper 1.5 adds some of the most requested features we're received. The biggest change is the ability to edit your library. We added long-click on list …

Cloudskipper 100k installs: level up!

June 29, 2011
1 min read
Seems like it was only last week we were at 10k ... Oh wait, we were. Whoa. K, yeah that's a little cheeky, but it's true. We launched Cloudskipper 60 days ago. It took eight weeks to get to 10k …

Cloudskipper update and other news…

June 27, 2011
2 min read
We just pushed out a small update. The new feature is basically an updates notification addition. We see a lot of errors coming from old versions of the app and want to make it easier for everyone to take advantage …

What a difference a day makes…

June 24, 2011
1 min read
What a day. It looks like we more-than doubled our install base in one day. What happened? We were *FEATURED* on the front page of the Android marketplace: Very happy so many people decided to try out Cloudskipper today. We weren't …
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