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Epilog v0.1: a prototype

August 23, 2019
2 min read

I’ve been thinking about starting a new project and/or company for the past year. I had an idea gestating for a while and when I learned Startup School was starting, I decided to join up and take the leap.

My app combines productivity tracking and management for non-managers. It’s designed to be intuitive and automated, offloading much of the cognitive overhead of self-management:

  • to-do lists that break projects into actionable items
  • keeping track of what I’m doing throughout the day
  • setting task for the next day / week
  • assigning tasks to Pomodoro sessions
  • documenting daily, weekly, monthly progress
  • planning and tracking OKRs and integrating them into action items

I started by building a prototype (shown above). It’s a Pomodoro timer for macOS that asked “what did I do?” at the end of each pomo session. By the end of the day, I had a long list that I could copy & paste into my work journal.

I used the prototype for a couple of days and found it to be very rewarding, so that’s good news. I've also discovered a big UX flaw (can't add manual entries) and started on a redesign. There are other core features I'll need like user settings, metrics, and a journal of some kind to keep track of many days of entries. I also want it to start automatically and have smarter work sessions lengths.

More to come... Should be fun!

Tagged: macOSPrototypingSketchSwift

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