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Epilog: progress

April 12, 2023
2 min read
I’ve been working hard on my side hustle for the last few months. It’s the same project I started a few years back, but it’s finally all coming together. Fundamentally, the app is the same: an activity log with a …
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Epilog v0.2 – alternate prototype

September 7, 2019
3 min read
In my last post, I mentioned I had started working on a redesign for my time journal app. My strategy was two-fold: separate the journal into its own window and simplify the entry pane. I used this opportunity to try …
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Epilog v0.1: a prototype

August 23, 2019
2 min read
I’ve been thinking about starting a new project and/or company for the past year. I had an idea gestating for a while and when I learned Startup School was starting, I decided to join up and take the leap. My …
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