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Lust for Light

July 24, 2021
1 min read
Hannah Stouffer (Editor), 2018 A brilliant assortment of illuminated artwork using a variety of mediums including neon, LED, and projection mapping.
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Palette Perfect

June 20, 2021
1 min read
Collective's Palette Perfect:Color Combinations Inspired by Fashion, Art and Style~ Lauren Wager (2018) ~ I'm bad with color. I'm great at doing vibrant, in your face high-brilliant colors. But I'm weak at anything contemporary and mature. So when I find …
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One Pencil!

April 30, 2021
1 min read
One Pencil! Easy Illustration Exercise Book Nozomi Kudo (2020) I was looking for a book to walk me through drawing icons and illustrations for my various projects and One Pencil fit the bill. The illustration styles are simple, friendly, and …
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March 15, 2021
1 min read
Iconism: Designing Modern Icons and Pictograms Ginko Press, 2021 Very good variety of line weights, colors, and ideas.
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Made in Japan

September 18, 2019
1 min read
Awe-inspired graphics from Japan today Viction:ary (2019) I’ve been picking up design books from Kinokuniya in San Francisco for over 20 years, so I’ve naturally become a huge fan of Japanese design. Made in Japan shows off a wide range …
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Branded Interactions: Creating the Digital Experience

June 4, 2019
1 min read
Marco Spies, 2015 (2018 reprint) Branded Interactions is a heavy, comprehensive book that dives into five phases of band-based design: discover, define, design, delivery and distribute. My personal experience is almost entirely in design & delivery as an individual contributor …
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Pencil Me In

September 10, 2018
1 min read
Pencil Me In: The Business Drawing Book for People Who Can't Draw Christina Wodtke, 2017 I used to be able to sketch really well in high school and college, but what I really dreamed of was cartooning. Years later I …
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Illustration 2018

January 21, 2018
1 min read
平泉 康児, 2018 Illustration 2018 features 150 illustrators from all over Japan, showing off what they’re doing right now. Just tune out and let the images overwhelm you with all of the talent, color, lines, contrast, and imagination. Where can …
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Asian Typography

December 4, 2017
1 min read
Sandu Publishing, 2017 A fascinating look at how designers in Asia stylize their pictographic languages for various markets. It’s a outside look at type design without interference of actual (Latin-based) words, experiencing something between letters and iconography. For me, it’s …
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The Life Changing Manga of Tidying Up

October 15, 2017
1 min read
Marie Kondo, 2017 If you’re a fan of Marie Kondo’s The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, there’s now a manga version available. Just as charming as the nonfiction, the book stars Marie Kondo as Konmari, a young woman hired …
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Graphic Recording – Live Illustrations for Meetings, Conferences and Workshops

February 27, 2017
1 min read
Anna Lena Schiller, 2017 Graphic recording is the rapidly growing practice of visualizing the content of a presentation or meeting by drawing it live with markers and a large sheet of paper. Hand-drawn cartoons and diagrams entertainingly represent key messages, …
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From Design To Design: Masaaki Hiromura

June 24, 2016
1 min read
Masaaki Hiromura, 2016 Based on an exhibition of Masaaki Hiromuras personal repertoire as a designer and architect, he addresses questions of whether new designs are of added value, or if such a design is necessary. It features numerous works and …
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