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HD Widgets 4 beta

April 22, 2014
2 min read
HD Widgets 4 is coming! Today we released the HDW 4 beta in our beta community. To participate, simply join the beta group using a Google+ account and follow the instructions. UPDATE: if you're using Google+ on your device, see …
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Introducing Cloudskipper 2.0

March 25, 2014
1 min read
Our classic music player, Cloudskipper 2.0 is now available in the Play Store. The new app is a massive UI overhaul designed for ICS and later devices with high res screens. The new app has the same overall flow and …
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Introducing Dayframe 2.0 w/ Chromecast Photos and Slideshow

February 6, 2014
1 min read
We're very happy to introduce Dayframe 2.0, featuring our new interactive Chromecast photo slideshow. We wanted to make something you could touch and feel. so it's not just play and sit back - it's interactive! You can control what's playing …
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Introducing Dayframe Prime

December 10, 2013
1 min read
We're very happy to introduce Dayframe Prime, our upgraded feature set for Dayframe. While Dayframe has some good basic features, the real juice is in Prime. You get many more ways to customize and organize photos, so you get more …
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Introducing Dayframe, your fun and powerful new Android photo frame

November 10, 2013
1 min read
We're very excited to announce the release of our new app: Dayframe turns your Android device into a powerful photo frame that works with your favorite photo sharing services to provide an ongoing slideshow of friends, family, and interests. We …
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New Dayframe beta now available

November 4, 2013
1 min read
Big news everyone! Dayframe is now available as a beta in our new Dayframe Beta community. If you want an early peek and want to help us track down any last-minute bugs or mistakes please join us. Dayframe is scheduled …
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Cloudskipper 2.0b available through new Google+ community

November 1, 2013
1 min read
For everyone who's been asking for a direct download of the in-progress version of Cloudskipper 2.0, we've very happy to announce Cloudskipper 2.0 beta is available in our new Google+ community. The beta requires Android 4.0.3 & later, is pretty buggy, …
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App Stats gets a nice UI update

October 7, 2013
1 min read
App Stats got a fresh UI update today. It's much cleaner and more minimal. We removed the card-based lists, but kept the cards in the details screens. The text is much lighter throughout. We also removed the old progress chart …
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A case for XXHDPI and UHDPI Android resources

September 15, 2013
1 min read
I'm hoping to reverse a couple of choices made by the Android Dev Team concerning image resources. The first is the suggestion that XHDPI is good enough for most use cases so XXHDPI resources aren't necessary. Second, the newly-introduced resource name …
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Sneak peak: Cloudskipper 2.0

September 4, 2013
1 min read
While the cats away, the mice will play... and so we did. While part of the team was off at Burningman the rest of us gave Cloudskipper a long-needed refresh. Shown here today is the new Folders view, Album view, …
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Sneak peek: Dayframe 1.0

August 8, 2013
1 min read
We've been a little quiet on the blog. This is why. We're getting close to a formal release for Dayframe. The new app has been greatly simplified with a massive focus on the "set it and forget it" slideshow. The …
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Introducing App Stats Beta

June 4, 2013
1 min read
We have a new app we're now beta testing in the Play Store. App Stats is not our usual fun fare, rather it's a developer / business tool for keeping track of apps in the Play Store. The most important …
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