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Epilog: wireframe prototyping

January 9, 2021
1 min read
I’ve been having a lot of fun building interactive prototypes for Obvious, my activity journal app. Two of my prototypes are guided walkthroughs of the Timer and Journal sections. The third is a heavily-wired simulation of cycling through a set …
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Epilog: wireframes

January 8, 2021
1 min read
I recently completed my second round of wireframes for my Productivity Log app [update: now named Epilog]. In the first round, the goal was to take the layout of my Mac prototype and translate it to the iPhone and iPad. …
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Epilog: multiplatform wireframes

October 22, 2020
4 min read
My productivity app is coming along, albeit slowly. There have been some significant changes behind the scenes which have required some ramp up before I could move forward. This post is mostly a progress report to talk about changes I …
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Teaser: a modern, atomic wireframe kit

September 3, 2019
1 min read
I’m working on an atomic wireframe kit. So far, it only covers basic parts for macOS, but when it’s done it should work for cross-platform applications. I tried out several existing wireframe kits but none of them matched my requirements. …
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