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Figma grid starter kit for Semplice

May 22, 2021
2 min read
I’ve been using the Semplice theme for the last few years for this website. It’s intuitive and isn’t weighed down like most WordPress builders. An unintuitive part of Semplice is the custom grid system. It's not clear how padding settings …
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Whiteboards & Stickies: variants remix

April 20, 2021
1 min read
Whiteboards & Stickies is the most popular stickies project in the Figma community. The stickies look amazing and are built using auto-layout, but they didn't go so far as to use components, let alone variants. With Config coming soon, I …
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Epilog: wireframe prototyping

January 9, 2021
1 min read
I’ve been having a lot of fun building interactive prototypes for Obvious, my activity journal app. Two of my prototypes are guided walkthroughs of the Timer and Journal sections. The third is a heavily-wired simulation of cycling through a set …
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Epilog: wireframes

January 8, 2021
1 min read
I recently completed my second round of wireframes for my Productivity Log app [update: now named Epilog]. In the first round, the goal was to take the layout of my Mac prototype and translate it to the iPhone and iPad. …
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Epilog: multiplatform wireframes

October 22, 2020
4 min read
My productivity app is coming along, albeit slowly. There have been some significant changes behind the scenes which have required some ramp up before I could move forward. This post is mostly a progress report to talk about changes I …
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