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Multiscreen development means multiple screens, not all-in-one

December 5, 2010
1 min read
As most of us know, Adobe is working feverishly on AIR to make it easier for developers to create multiscreen applications that run on various devices and platforms. Unfortunately, the term multiscreen is confusing people. The common misconception is that …
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Cloudskipper v0.4 (dev)

February 19, 2010
1 min read
Very happy to announce the latest update to Cloudskipper. Naturally we have a lot more we wanted to do, but we had to cut it off somewhere. In particular there's a couple of major UI updates that we want to …

Cloudskipper 0.2 dev released

June 9, 2009
1 min read
Moving right along - we're happy to present the 0.2 release of Cloudskipper. The two important new features are Vimeo and Netflix, as well as shuffle and loop playback modes. We've added basic user features for Vimeo, allowing people to …
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Cloudskipper 0.1 dev released

May 29, 2009
1 min read
Very happy to get Cloudskipper out this evening. No public info, but above is a screen peak. You'll note that we managed to get Hulu in during the last few days, making the app much more interesting and useful. We'll …

Cloudskipper v0.1 – out next week to a select group of friends

May 19, 2009
1 min read
We've been working *very* hard on getting together a first release of Cloudskipper. So far we've integrated iTunes, YouTube, and SoundCloud, and we hope to have some useful Hulu functionality before this goes out. The idea is to present two …
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Birdshot – Twitter posts without distraction

April 8, 2009
1 min read
We're pleased to announce that our first app is out for private alpha review. Birdshot is a simple AIR desktop app for managing and posting to multiple Twitter accounts. The idea came about from a few different needs: a way …
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