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Quick guide to the new app widget padding/margins in ICS / Android 4.0+ (backwards-compatibility & new issues)

April 14, 2012
1 min read
For those who don't know, Mike & I make a popular widget app for Android called HD Widgets. We've spent a lot of time resolving for Android UI fragmentation and have been mostly successful. (more…)
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UI/UX evolution: Cloudskipper on Android

April 13, 2011
1 min read
With the release of Cloudskipper coming up next week, I thought this might be a good time to show off some UI pron. Great UI/UX takes time and many iterations, so for UI/UX geeks like me it's fun to see …
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Multiscreen development means multiple screens, not all-in-one

December 5, 2010
1 min read
As most of us know, Adobe is working feverishly on AIR to make it easier for developers to create multiscreen applications that run on various devices and platforms. Unfortunately, the term multiscreen is confusing people. The common misconception is that …
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