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Mastering Figma: deprecating library components without disrupting your design team

June 22, 2024
5 min read
One of the key benefits of using a modern design app like Figma is a component library. Once you set it up, everything is simple: change a component, publish it, and all your design layouts will automatically update. But that’s …
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iOS / macOS app icon template for Xcode

April 3, 2023
1 min read
I recently shared in the Figma Community an easy way to generate iOS and macOS app icons for Xcode 14. Apple recently changed how to make iOS icons in Xcode. Now you only need to use a single, square 1024x1024 …
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Figma grid starter kit for Semplice

May 22, 2021
2 min read
I’ve been using the Semplice theme for the last few years for this website. It’s intuitive and isn’t weighed down like most WordPress builders. An unintuitive part of Semplice is the custom grid system. It's not clear how padding settings …
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Whiteboards & Stickies: variants remix

April 20, 2021
1 min read
Whiteboards & Stickies is the most popular stickies project in the Figma community. The stickies look amazing and are built using auto-layout, but they didn't go so far as to use components, let alone variants. With Config coming soon, I …
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