What a difference a day makes…

June 24, 2011
1 min read
What a day. It looks like we more-than doubled our install base in one day. What happened? We were *FEATURED* on the front page of the Android marketplace: Very happy so many people decided to try out Cloudskipper today. We weren't …

Cloudskipper 10k+ installs!

June 20, 2011
1 min read
Cloudskipper is out of the highchair and sitting at the kids table. Our app is now in the 10k - 50k category. (Next jump will probably take a little while...) Thnx everyone! Don't forget to update! Version 1.1.3 is up with …

Cloudskipper 5k+ installs: Level Up!

June 5, 2011
1 min read
We just hit another market milestone this weekend: 5k+ Cloudskipper installs! From a user standpoint that's probably no big deal. But for us, we're pretty surprised that it happened so quickly. It took us three weeks to get to 1,000 …
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Cloudskipper v1.1 update – new camera shortcut in lock screen & better Recently Added list

June 1, 2011
1 min read
We're still working on Mixes and have to take a diversion for the next week for something else, so we decided to put out an easy but useful update this week. The big new feature: instant access to your camera …
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Cloudskipper 1.0 released

May 23, 2011
1 min read
Skype *high fives* happening over here: we just released the 1.0 version of Cloudskipper. For you guys that's not a big deal, but for us it's rather galactic. We've been working on Cloudskipper for two years! Up until version 0.5 …
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1000+ Cloudskipper installs, v0.9 now available

May 18, 2011
2 min read
Big milestone for us - we just crossed 1000 total downloads today. That's a lot for us considering it's been almost entirely word of mouth. The only promotion so far was a 2x2 flyer (pictured above) we passed out at …

A simple guide to 9-patch for Android UI

May 18, 2011
4 min read
While I was working on my first Android app, I found 9-patch (aka 9.png) to be confusing and poorly documented. After a little while, I finally picked up on how it works and decided to throw together something to help …

Cloudskipper 0.8.5 now up

May 4, 2011
1 min read
We've had a busy week and posted a few more small updates to Cloudskipper. At the moment we're working on an advanced queue feature we're calling "Mixes" - basically add tracks at any time to create a new mix on …

Cloudskipper 0.8 now available!

April 28, 2011
1 min read
Yeah, that was kind of quick but we added some necessary features and gave the slidey navigation a major overhaul. Here's the changes: - can send feedback (via options menu) - smarter artist nav - skip album screen when navigating …
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Get social with Cloudskipper 0.7 beta 3

April 22, 2011
1 min read
The next version of Cloudskipper is now out and has an awesome new feature: sharing! This isn't just your run in the mill "post to facebook" sharing, we've spent a lot time trying to make it really easy and fun. …
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UI/UX evolution: Cloudskipper on Android

April 13, 2011
1 min read
With the release of Cloudskipper coming up next week, I thought this might be a good time to show off some UI pron. Great UI/UX takes time and many iterations, so for UI/UX geeks like me it's fun to see …
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Cloudskipper 0.6.2 (beta 2)

April 11, 2011
2 min read
We pushed out the second beta for Cloudskipper today. The theme for this release is "easy": easier navigation, easier to view, and easier to use. This is a major update with almost a complete rewrite of the base navigation and skins. Early …
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