Cloudskipper Music Player for Android – now in private beta

March 25, 2011
1 min read

We just pushed out the email to a small group to start testing the Cloudskipper Music Player for Android. We figure it will take a few more weeks to add necessary features for general users (such as Settings, etc).

Here's a teaser screenshot, along with the list of recent fixes:

  • top menu
  • fix artist list (take out album drop downs)
  • ------------- (shhhh)
  • -------------
  • app icon
  • sign app
  • migrate start-up logic to TopMenu
  • ringer off (phone w/ soundwaves icon)
  • flashlight / search button
  • lockscreen - date & time
  • list fast-scroll
  • -------------
  • -------------
  • notification link to player
  • sound icon in playlists
  • playlist button links back to current playlist
  • email to beta testers
  • flurry
  • fix top menu controls
  • long press

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