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Cloudskipper 1.0 released

May 23, 2011
1 min read

Skype *high fives* happening over here: we just released the 1.0 version of Cloudskipper. For you guys that's not a big deal, but for us it's rather galactic. We've been working on Cloudskipper for two years! Up until version 0.5 it was a complex desktop media player, a beast really, that was too much for primetime. It was a fun prototype to build at least =)

Cloudskipper 1.0 has all the basics: lists, player, miniplayer, lockscreen, and widget. We've been clamping down on bugs for the past month to make this a a solid release. We've also added a link to this blog to make it easy to read up on news and updates.

But we're not stopping there! We're already working on 1.1 (aka the Mixes release). You guys have asked repeatedly about making on-the-go playlists; mixes is your answer. I'll probably toss in some new widgets over the next few weeks as well just to keep things interesting.

Thanks again for playing with our app and all your support.

Last but not least: someone owes us a star =)


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