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1000+ Cloudskipper installs, v0.9 now available

May 18, 2011
2 min read

Big milestone for us - we just crossed 1000 total downloads today. That's a lot for us considering it's been almost entirely word of mouth. The only promotion so far was a 2x2 flyer (pictured above) we passed out at the SF Music Hack Day and a couple of Google IO after-parties. Basically, it's you guys who have helped spread the word, so thank you from both of us =)

We pushed out a new update today along with a couple of follow-up fixes (we're serious about catching crashes!). The big change is making the Share screen easier to understand. When we would show the app to people, they'd try the screen and immediately press the back button when the pop-up help window appeared - they never got to see the actual share screen!

We also updated the first impression of the app to include the mini-player loaded with the user's most recently added song. The logo is cool and offered some color, but the empty library view was kinda blah.

Mike's now focussed on solidifying the lock screen and I'm working on the new widgets. Once these are done, we're going to call that release the official 1.0 release (we gotta get past the 1.0 hump). Mixes will follow in a few days as part of the 1.1 release.

Please update your players to take advantage of the most recent bug fixes. More to come soon!


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