Cloudskipper 0.2 dev released

June 9, 2009
1 min read

cloudskipper 0.2Moving right along - we're happy to present the 0.2 release of Cloudskipper. The two important new features are Vimeo and Netflix, as well as shuffle and loop playback modes.

We've added basic user features for Vimeo, allowing people to access all of their public content including clips, appearing in, likes, channels, groups, and contacts' clips and likes. We've also added a couple dozen of the most popular channels and groups to the default menu. Since I have a long history with VJs, I've highlighted several VJ lists as well including a few custom lists I've created on Vimeo specifically for Cloudskipper viewing. Vimeo is especially interesting using the new shuffle and loop settings.

For Netflix, we've only done the basic / public RSS content. Since Netflix is subscription based, We have to implement OAuth before we can provide users with access to their accounts. But once we get oauth done for Netflix, we should be able to port that process over to all other existing services.

This release also includes several bug fixes and interface tweaks. For example, iTunes lists are much easier to sort by album & track number. Video and audio playback area also much more stable.

It's hard to say what else is done because we're already working on 0.3. Lot's of ideas being worked on for that release, but hopefully this release will keep you entertained enough.


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