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Multiscreen development means multiple screens, not all-in-one

December 5, 2010
1 min read

As most of us know, Adobe is working feverishly on AIR to make it easier for developers to create multiscreen applications that run on various devices and platforms. Unfortunately, the term multiscreen is confusing people.

The common misconception is that multiscreen development means "write once, run everywhere", aka the original AIR marketing slogan. That slogan was appropriate when AIR was just desktop apps, but things have dramatically changed in the past year. Multiscreen development now means developing for multiple screens, not all-in-one. (more…)

[…] – one for each screen type: smartphone, tablet, desktop, and television.”, Radley Marx, Multiscreen development means multiple screens, not all-in-one., […]
[…] one for each screen type: smartphone, tablet, desktop, and television.”, Radley Marx, Multiscreen development means multiple screens, not all-in-one., […]

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