Introducing Cloud TV, Inc.

March 31, 2010
1 min read

Over the past few weeks we've release two big Cloudskipper updates that have dramatically improved the UI by featuring a new preview panel for the home and user pages. This layout matches the original plan for the app and provides a lot of needed room to preview content. It also makes the horizontal list more manageable.

Meanwhile, we're now an official business: Cloud TV, Inc. We've filed for our Thawte certificate so our AIR app can be officially certified which puts us into position to actually start sharing Cloudskipper with the public.

Behind the scenes, Mike is recovering really well from surgery #1. He'll check with his doc in a couple of weeks to get the go ahead with surgery #2. Unfortunately, Mike will remain out of commission until June at which time he'll have to return to working for money for a while... which leads into Burning Man, etc. Short version: he won't be hands-on for a while.

So during that time, I'm undertaking a major rewriting of the app for v0.5 for many reasons. The current app was a proof of concept for us. Most of Cloudskipper is built on top of service-specific code which is inhibiting us from moving forward with an API, plug-ins, user-created playlists, and much more. I'm hoping to have most of the underlying new architecture in place by summer *fingers crossed*


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