HD Widgets 3.0 Hands-on Video

June 21, 2012
1 min read
We gotta hand it to the folks over at Android Community - they went above and beyond for our launch and made an HD Widgets 3.0 hands-on video. It was a day-one product and still in beta so the app …
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Introducing HD Widgets 3.0

June 7, 2012
1 min read
We just released the next major update of HD Widgets. We're really happy with this one. We've done a lot to improve the experience & make it more fun and easy to use. There's a lot more customization and a …
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Introducing Glass Gems (HD Widgets 3.0 sneak)

May 23, 2012
1 min read
We're just over two weeks away from releasing HD Widgets 3.0 and thought we'd show off another teaser. Our Standard widgets were pretty good, but we were able to take another pass at them and "standard" just seemed to be …
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HD Widgets 3.0 sneak peak & production video

May 2, 2012
2 min read
We've been hard at work on the next version of HD Widgets. This one is a major revision - we've rebuilt everything to make it cleaner, faster, and more flexible. Whereas the first two were "get it out ASAP & …
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HD Widgets 2.5 released

March 19, 2012
2 min read
All of our users are going to notice a new HD Widgets update this week. This is a required update to migrate our users over to a new data connections for one of our weather services. We're still using WeatherBug …
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New switches for HD Widgets

February 29, 2012
1 min read
Been a busy new year for us. We've been hard at work behind the scenes and a lot of new stuff is going to be appearing over the next few weeks. The newest release of HD Widgets includes our most …
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Cloudskipper gets better album art and a crazy week for HD Widgets

December 23, 2011
2 min read
First off, we're really happy to push out an update for Cloudskipper. This one focused on improving album artwork throughout the app. We're now pulling direct from each mp3 as it's played (as we should). On some devices, the differences …
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HD Widgets featured in the Android Market

December 6, 2011
2 min read
We've been really busy the last few days so we didn't have a chance to mention that HD Widgets was featured in the Android Market starting last week. We actually got added on Thanksgiving which meant for a pretty good …
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HD Widgets 2.0 now available for phones & Honeycomb tablets (including 7″ tablets)

November 10, 2011
2 min read
We're pleased to announce the release of HD Widgets 2.0. HD Widgets 2.0 is a universal app for Android phones and Honeycomb tablets, and is the first to offer 7" tablet size widgets (6x2, 6x1, 3x5). Existing users may update …

HD Widgets 2.0 press round up

November 1, 2011
1 min read
Our HD Widgets 2.0 launch is going great and we're already getting lots of press. Time for a round up! Big thanks to all of the blogs, writers and everyone who's downloading. Your support is mightily appreciated! Phones & Tablets …
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HD Widgets now featured in Android Market

September 2, 2011
1 min read
Very excited! Today HD Widgets was added to the Featured Tablet Apps section of the Android Market. This will be a big boost for us. The big benefit for you guys is that we can spend more time on HD …

HD Widgets: press round-up

August 26, 2011
1 min read
We got a lot of press for HD Widgets yesterday, making our launch far more successful that we expected. Big thanks to the tech bloggers and everyone who took a look, especially the downloaders ;-) Here's our round-up: HD Widgets …
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